Are You Investing In The True YOU?

June 25, 2013


Sridhar Laxman
Are You Investing In The True YOU?

A recent report in one of the financial dailies indicated that teenagers in India spend upwards of Rs 5,000 on cosmetics every month.

That got me thinking, so I spoke to a few people who are in their late twenties, early thirties, and…… that figure doubled !

Looking good is serious business these days. Articles, videos and blogs on how to be well groomed, rules of etiquette, being fashionable, what to wear and what not to wear are oozing out of many a printed and virtual page.

Looking good seems to have become a MUST and grabs a large share of the wallet.

Sadly, the same level of awareness, commitment and investment is lacking when it comes to developing the mind.

  • How many people do you know who read a book everyday?
  • How many people do you know who are actively looking to improve on skills that will make them more successful?
  • How many people do you know are learning to be more organized?
  • How many people do you know are investing in resources to make them manage their time better?

How many?

Being well groomed while necessary will never make up for being knowledgeable

  • Invest in developing your personality, your awareness, your knowledge
  • Invest in your communication, managerial, networking & planning skills
  • Invest in learning the principles of success and achievement.
  • Invest in the true YOU and watch your career or business skyrocket.
Miss a meal if you have to, but don’t miss a book.
~ Jim Rohn


Animate this text on scroll with words and letters sliding up.