7 Ways To Motivate Yourself To Take Action

June 25, 2013


Sridhar Laxman
7 Ways To Motivate Yourself To Take Action

How to Motivate Yourself?

The early bird gets the worm. God helps those who help themselves. Some people dream of success while others wake up and work hard at it …..

So you have read all this and more and know that its up to you to change your life.

You are also aware that its simple, it’s easy, if someone else can, so can you, you know you are brighter, smarter, sharper, better educated, wiser yada yada yada

But and this is a BIG but, you just don’t take action to hit your goals.

We discussed in an earlier post why most people don’t take action to move towards their goals.

Have you identified what is holding you back from taking action? Because if you don’t do that, anything you read further will not serve you as powerfully as its intended to.

Let me restate this for the sake of complete clarity.

Step # 1 is to get absolutely clear about why something is working or not working well in your life

Step # 2 is figuring out how to fix whats not working

Sadly most people spend a ton of their valuable time and energy in trying to fix what’s not working without realizing why it is so.

They skip step #1 and rush into step #2 and never recover.

So let’s assume you have figured out why certain things are not going as well as they could in your life.

Now, you really want to fix that, but find yourself putting it off for no particular reason at all. You just don’t feel motivated, you say?

Guess what. Stop acting on your feelings, get real, and learn to do what has to be done when it has to be done how it has to be done.

Peak Performers all over the world do what has to be done when it has to be done how it has to be done irrespective of how they “feel” about it, irrespective of if they “feel” like doing it or not, irrespective of if they “feel” up to it or not.

And that is what makes them highly paid, massively rewarded and recognized professionals.

They make their own motivation, they create their own sunshine, they have developed a smart system of their own to tap into motivation on demand, as they want it, when they want it.

You can do this too, if you just stopped letting ‘feelings’ decide if you are motivated or not. Getting motivated and staying that way is simple, easy and fun.

Grab a pen and a pad and jot these down

# 1 Change your environment

Are you sitting at a work desk overflowing with papers, reports, collaterals, piled up magazines with noisy colleagues yelling away on their cell phones?

Clutter is enemy #1. Get organized, get rid of unwanted stuff, get folks to quiet up or get a pair of headphones to block out the noise.

Stick motivating messages on your soft board, clean up your work environment so you feel energized and cheerful – do WHATEVER it takes, but reduce all forms of clutter.

# 2 Change what you read

How many murders, robberies, rapes, celebrity break ups do you want to read about? What value is it adding to your life?

How much of your valuable time is being consumed in reading mostly trivial information? How does it make you feel? Energized, enthusiastic, well-informed, charged up, happy, inspired, motivated?

The intent here is not to make you more insensitive than the current society has already made you.

If you really care about some of the tragic acts that have been discussed above, do something about it, volunteer time, money or energy to help change the situation.

But stop wasting your valuable time by just reading about it because whether you realize or not it will leave you feeling lousy, angry and unmotivated.

# 3 Change what you watch

The same goes for the time spent with the idiot box. Do you need to know every little rumour, breaking news that’s being discussed, debated, argued, hyped up, rehashed and regurgitated over and over again? What value is it adding to your life?

# 4 Change how you speak

Do you often catch yourself saying “I can never remember names”, “I am really duh when it comes to finance”, “I hate networking “, “I would die to be there” , “I am always late “….

You are the first person to hear the words that come out of your mouth and by saying it again and again you are only reaffirming stuff you don’t want in your life.

# 5 Change what you eat

There are foods that add energy to your life and foods that take away. Yes, the wrong kind of foods can actually decrease your energy levels.

Do your research, get smart about the right kind of foods and work at increasing your energy every day.

# 6 Change who you hang out with

Yes, your parents were right when they said “Keep good company”. Being surrounded by negative, whining, complaining folks most of your waking hours is bound to rub off on you.

Choose wisely, ensure you stick around folks who have a positive outlook, are cheerful , make you feel great and add to your energy.

# 7 Change how you approach your day

Do you wake up, get ready, head to work and tackle whatever comes your way or do you plan your day the evening before and spend your time working on the most important of tasks first?

If you are doing the former, chances are you are going to be low on energy and unmotivated by lunch time.

Planning adds a sense of purpose to your day, it creates momentum and momentum has the magic to keep you focused.

So take a look at your life, figure out which one or all of the above are not in sync and get cracking to have the same fixed NOW.

Massive amounts of motivation await you just around the corner…


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