Which Word Dominates Your Life?

June 25, 2013


Sridhar Laxman
Which Word Dominates Your Life?

Quick Question: What’s a four-letter word that comes in all shapes and sizes, gets created day and night, attacks the young, the old, men, women, and doesn’t even spare children?

A four-letter word that never rests, grows each time its ignored, brings down the most talented, the most capable of men and women, stops them dead in their tracks, prevents them from achieving excellence, destroys magnificent ideas before they are born, promotes being average?

A word that causes sickness, stress, poor thinking, a word that never rests, a word that defines the destiny of all those who surrender to it?

If you’re scratching your head and wondering what can cause such high levels of drama and tragedy, fret no more.

The word is FEAR.

F. E.A.R

Fear respects no boundaries, rules or laws. Fear never rests. Fear gets created day and night, at work and at home, in the supermarket, at the theatre, during a party, in school, at the temple, in a bus, there is no place that fear cannot be created.

Most fears are psychological and show up as worry, panic, embarrassment, tensions all stemming from poorly managed imagination.

Fear is real, its the #1 enemy of success and stops the best and most talented of people from making the most of their opportunities. Fear makes people sick, causes foggy thinking, slows and most times even shuts down decision making.

Fear causes low self confidence and poor self esteem. Fear gets people to freeze even when they know its unproductive, unnecessary and absolutely wrong thing to do.

So does all this make fear the most powerful force on Earth ?

The answer thankfully is a big NO. Despite its ability to be born anywhere, anytime, to cause such damage, fear has one nemesis, a force it just cannot win against.

A force that can conquer all fears. A force that when unleashed can eliminate fear and bring incredible things to life.

And that powerful force is…….. Action.


Action is what differentiates the winners from the losers, those who get things done from those that wish they could, the consistently successful from the flash in the pan, the achiever from the dreamer, the champion from the whiner, those who appreciate from those that complain….

Action has enormous power, action is magical, action always delivers results.

Action Cures Fear

That powerful line is from David Schwartz’s  book ‘The Magic Of Thinking Big‘. Three simple words that convey a lifetime of knowledge.

Three words that when followed to the last letter can help anyone create a wonderful life, a life of their dreams. A life based on their immense potential, passions and desires and not baseless, self created fears.

Three words that are sadly……  ignored by most people.

So that begs the million dollar question…

Which word dominates your life ? Fear or Action ?


Animate this text on scroll with words and letters sliding up.