‘Realize what you want. It stops you from chasing butterflies and puts you to work digging gold.’
~ William Moulton Marsden
What is purpose to you, does it matter, have you identified yours?
How different would your life be if you were to live on purpose?
Ever paused to think about these?
Life is full of things to do, people to meet, impress, fight with
Full of promises to keep, money to make, egos to satisfy
Days turn to weeks which turn to months and before we know it
those months too turn into years
Time flies on a skateboard made of lightning, blink and its gone
We wear blinders called ‘busy’ to escape the harsh reality
To ignore that voice in our heads, that feeling in our hearts
A knowing that we are living life on auto mode
An anesthesia called ‘routine’ makes it easy to continue down this path
Sadly, while this way of living is comforting in the short term, it robs us of our greatness and makes us one more sheep to the already burgeoning herd.
It does not have to be this way
Start today, stop, pause, think, reflect
You live once, make it memorable!