What You Should Know About Stress Management
Have you experienced one or more of these symptoms recently? Clenching of your fist, quickened heart beats, a dry mouth, pain in the jaw, headache, tightness in the chest, …
Have you experienced one or more of these symptoms recently? Clenching of your fist, quickened heart beats, a dry mouth, pain in the jaw, headache, tightness in the chest, …
Communication as a skill Communication is the lifeblood of organizations. In an era of internet and social media, effective communication skills are extremely important for career …
Change is all around you Like it, hate it, accept it, ignore it, change is happening all around you. At work, in your home and with friends. In society, in your neighborhood, …
Law of inertia Inertia comes from the Latin word, iners, meaning idle, or lazy. Take a minute to reflect on how you usually begin your work day. Walking in late, discussing the …
Success You want it Everyone you know wants it. Men, women, young and the old. Weak and the able, rich and poor, everyone wishes for success. However, few believe they have it, …
Picture this You hear a highly disturbing sound, its seems faraway yet is unbearable. Its the alarm on your phone, you hit the snooze and turn over craving for ten more minutes of …
Imagine a world where everything is as we wish it to be, a world where everyone meets our standards, our idea of perfection, where people get our approval and do exactly what we …
I ask you to climb mountain A in two hours You climb mountain B in 90 minutes You are happy about being efficient, you did it quicker than I had estimated However, are you …
Values give your life meaning, they give you a sense of identity. They support and justify your behaviors, actions. Values can change over time based on your life situations.True …
‘Realize what you want. It stops you from chasing butterflies and puts you to work digging gold.’ ~ William Moulton Marsden What is purpose to you, does it matter, have …
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