Overcome Procrastination : Unlock Your True Potential

July 3, 2023


Sridhar Laxman
Overcome Procrastination : Unlock Your True Potential

You can read this blog post now or come back to it later. Act on it immediately, or add it to your ever-growing list of to-dos.

The choice is yours, and as an executive coach, I’m here to support you in making choices that serve your success.

Every day, you face numerous choices. Some of these choices empower you and contribute to your progress, while others may hinder your path to success.

Procrastination is one such choice that can cause stress and worries.

Putting off important tasks for later often leads to time pressures and impacts the quality of your work.

Now, let’s delve deeper into the reasons behind Procrastination.

Perhaps you say, “I don’t know which is a priority.” This lack of clarity can create a roadblock, making it difficult to take action. Alternatively, you may say, “I don’t know how to do it,” highlighting a skill gap you must address.

Another common reason for Procrastination is the feeling of not being motivated to complete a task, stating, “I don’t feel like doing it.” Lastly, time constraints can play a significant role, with the excuse of “I don’t have the time” often holding you back from starting.

Five common challenges due to Procrastination are:

A. Increased stress and anxiety: When you consistently put off important tasks, you create a mounting sense of stress and anxiety. The looming deadlines and unfinished responsibilities can weigh heavily on your mind, affecting your overall well-being and causing unnecessary stress.

B. A decline in productivity and quality of work: Procrastination often leads to rushed and last-minute efforts to complete tasks. By waiting until the last minute, you compromise the quality of your work and diminish your productivity which can hinder your ability to produce high-quality results and meet your standards.

C. Missed opportunities and setbacks: Procrastination can result in missed opportunities and setbacks in both personal and professional life. Delaying essential tasks can cause you to miss deadlines, lose out on promotions, or let valuable opportunities slip away. It can also lead to a cycle of playing catch-up, always trying to recover from the consequences of putting things off for later.

D. Damage to professional reputation: Consistently procrastinating can harm your professional reputation. When colleagues or superiors see you as someone who consistently puts things off, it may lead to a perception of unreliability or lack of dedication. This perception can impact your professional growth and limit your opportunities for advancement.

E. Lack of personal fulfilment: Procrastination prevents you from fully engaging with your goals and aspirations. It holds you back from experiencing the sense of accomplishment and personal satisfaction that comes from completing tasks and achieving milestones. When you repeatedly delay taking action, you deny yourself the opportunity to live up to your potential and make a meaningful impact.

Identifying and addressing these factors that frequently impact you is essential. By understanding what’s causing you to Procrastinate, you can take targeted steps to overcome them and regain control of your time and productivity.

By recognizing these challenges, you also gain a deeper understanding of the negative consequences of Procrastination. Use this awareness to motivate yourself and overcome this disempowering habit.

“ The doors we open and close each day decide the lives we live ”
Flora Whittemore

Having looked at what causes Procrastination and how it impacts you, let’s explore seven steps you can take to overcome it and get things done in time and with less stress :

1. Shift your physical state to feel more energetic:

Engage in activities that invigorate you physically. Stretch, go for a walk, or do some light exercise. By altering your physical state, you can boost your energy levels and feel more motivated to tackle your tasks.

2. Get tasks out of your head and onto a list:

Writing down your assignments can provide relief and clarity. Create a to-do list that outlines all your responsibilities and breaks them down into manageable steps. This way, you’ll have a clear roadmap of what you need to do.

3. Note the benefit of getting it done:

Remind yourself of the positive outcomes once you complete the task. Visualize the sense of accomplishment and relief of finishing a challenging assignment. Focusing on the benefits can reignite your motivation and drive.

4. Take action on one micro-step at a time:

Break the task into smaller, manageable chunks. Start with the simplest and easiest step, and gradually work through the list. By focusing on one micro-step at a time, you’ll build momentum and make progress steadily.

5. Get creative; make working on the task fun:

Inject some creativity and enjoyment into your work. Find ways to make the task more enjoyable. You could listen to music, work in a different environment, or use colourful materials. Making the experience fun makes you more inclined to dive in and complete the task.

6. Ask someone to hold you accountable:

Reach out to a friend, colleague, or mentor and ask them to hold you responsible. Share your goals and deadlines with them, and check in regularly to update them on your progress. Having someone who can support and encourage you can make a significant difference.

7. Reward yourself for staying on task:

Celebrate your achievements, no matter how small. Set up rewards for yourself as you complete specific milestones or finish challenging projects. Treat yourself to a favourite snack, take a short break to do something you enjoy, or indulge in a hobby. Acknowledging your efforts reinforces positive behaviour and motivates you to keep going.

Being an adult means taking responsibility for your growth and success. It involves making conscious choices that align with your goals, even when you dislike them. While waiting for the perfect moment or the ideal circumstances is tempting, progress often comes from pushing through resistance and taking action.

Overcoming Procrastination and prioritizing your tasks pave the way for a more fulfilling and successful path. Imagine the sense of accomplishment and fulfilment you will experience when you consistently act on the tasks that matter most. Each small step you take brings you closer to your goals and aspirations. So, commit to using the seven steps outlined above to Overcome Procrastination.

In closing

You are capable of achieving greatness. Success is not solely determined by talent or circumstances but by the choices you make each day. Choose to be proactive, resilient, and committed to your growth.

Embrace the personal and professional development journey with open arms, knowing your efforts will yield incredible results.

Remember, the choice is yours. Will you choose to procrastinate or seize this opportunity for growth? The power lies within you.


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