It’s Time to Make that Change

August 13, 2013


Sridhar Laxman
It’s Time to Make that Change

Change is all around you

Like it, hate it, accept it, ignore it, change is happening all around you. At work, in your home and with friends. In society, in your neighborhood, across the globe. Change can impact your finances, health, relationships and other areas of life when its unexpected. Its constant and unavoidable. Its important, useful, inevitable and a reality. Change can be hard, it can be easy. Proactive or reactive. Often change helps however, sometimes it can hurt you.

So, whats your outlook to change, how do you view it, are you aware and open to it, do you usually welcome or resist it?


  1. Everything around you is changing all the time.
  2. You are either growing or shrinking, there is no status quo.
  3. You can make changes before you have to else you will be forced to.
  4. You expect others to change faster, sooner than you are willing to.

Do you agree?

Good news

Change can be wonderful, a blessing and a gift for those who welcome it. Change brings you newness, insights and unique experiences. Drives you to be smarter, creative and flexible. Makes you stretch, learn, grow. Helps you overcome your limiting beliefs and fears. Forces you to reach inside for answers.Leads you to discover your hidden talents and capabilities. Gives you an opportunity to unleash your true potential.

Change always comes bearing gifts ~ Price Pritchett

Take a minute to reflect on changes done in the past and how they have helped improve your life today.
What does it tell you? What changes could you bring in today to make a difference to someone else tomorrow?


Change can also seem hard, stressful and difficult. It can make you feel uncomfortable, unsettle you, test, push, maybe even break you. It could become a nightmare if you don’t anticipate or continue to resist it.

Change involves moving out of your comfort zone, facing something unknown, dealing with the unfamiliar, not having an option to play it safe and operating without having all the answers. And that is what makes you resist it so much.

Give this a thought, are you aware of the likely changes in your life and if so how do you plan to deal with them, Is there a better way, would that benefit others too?

The Solution

Change needs faith, belief and guts. It asks for an open mind, a willing body, patience and practice. It needs understanding and is best handled with common sense, commitment, passion and persistence.

Change before you are forced to. Become aware, pay attention to the reality around you and make the change pro actively. Its easier, quicker and sustainable. Welcoming it can make you feel lighter and empowered. Ride that feeling and take action before resistance creeps back in. Make changes that matter, make it within yourself before you expect others to, make it so it helps someone else, inspires them, motivates them to follow you, to adopt similar changes in their lives and thereby create a larger,
positive impact on society.

If change is thrust upon you, if it is inevitable, accept it quickly instead of fighting and struggling. The sooner you make peace with it, the better. Conserve your energy and refocus it on how you can make the most of the situation. Keep your eye on the prize, the benefits you and others you care about can attain by making these changes and get to work on the same.

There is a seed of opportunity in every change
Find yours and sow it today, so you can enjoy the fruit tomorrow.

Points to ponder

  • What changes would help improve the quality of your life?
  • How would you benefit, how would others benefit?
  • What can you do today to start making these changes?
  • What changes are you resisting, struggling with currently?
  • How does that make you feel?
  • What can you do today to accept these changes?
  • How would that benefit you and others?
“ I’m starting with the man in the mirror
I’m asking him to change his ways
And no message could have been any clearer
If you wanna make the world a better place
Then take a look at yourself and make a change “
~ ‘Man in the mirror’ by the late, great Michael Jackson


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