You want it
Everyone you know wants it.
Men, women, young and the old. Weak and the able, rich and poor, everyone wishes for success. However, few believe they have it, most never even recognize it.
People are seeking it at the workplace, at home and in society, they chase it at the gym, with friends and with strangers. They wish to have it on their own, with the help of a coach, with the help of their teams, maybe with their family. Success for self, success for others, for everyone.
Success is a badge you wish to earn, that approval from society, a certificate of your worth, an identity to cling to, a name you can answer to, a joy to justify. When you believe you have it, your head is held high.Your eyes shine, you have a spring in your step, a song in your heart, a smile on your face and ideas in your mind. You feel unstoppable, incredible, on top of the world.
And when you believe you don’t, you feel the weight of the world, alone, tired, lost…
Does this sound familiar? Does it have to be this way?
In a world overflowing with judgements, be selective in looking outward for validation. Yes, opinions matter. Opinion gives you perspective, helps you improve however, treat it as just that, an opinion, don’t let it dictate every step of your life.
Begin by understanding what success means to you and then go after it. Be specific, be realistic, observe your smaller successes before aiming for bigger ones. Acknowledge them, learn from them and keep score.
Success can come from starting something small, something simple, something new, improving just a little bit every day. It can even come from picking up useful lessons, working with a coach, experiencing something interesting, overcoming a challenge, helping someone heal, the list is endless…
Success in the simplest of terms is a sense of achievement and accomplishment. So stop waiting for approvals, look within, identify and appreciate success that already exists and then build on it.
What does success look like to you?
A powerful CEO, that famous rock star, your favorite sports icon, the ruling cinema queen? What about the kind teachers who educated you, the hard working maid who tirelessly cleans your home, the caring doctor who brings you relief, knowledgeable writers who inspire greatness, that techie whiz kid, that child prodigy, the energetic new entrepreneur…
Who else do you believe is a picture of success? What can you learn from them?
Gather many perspectives, broaden your horizon, open up to new ways of looking at things.
Think, get clear and then pursue.
Flaming enthusiasm, backed up by horse sense and persistence, is the quality that most frequently makes for success.
~Dale Carnegie